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News/Opinion Writing

Water cooler conversations and class GroupMes aren’t chintzy spaces of the public. They’re powerful networks. Their influence is feared by those who are too “good” to be a part of them.

With so much humorous content out there today, joking at the expense of others is a cheap way to get a laugh. Let’s face it: hurting people isn’t funny.

Due to the pandemic, we face an alarmingly low degree of exposure to new perspectives. College students face this during a formative time when we should be growing our perspectives, not shrinking them.

A red baseball cap. A white pantsuit. Aviator sunglasses. In other words, American politics.

UNC has consistently exhibited an unwillingness to put effort into keeping its students safe. For a campus infamous for its sexual assault rate, I am particularly appalled.

It’s okay to be a little stressed, a little messy and a little bit closer to being a grown-up child than an adult.

A society's values are reflected in its investments, and the current higher education system isn’t adequately investing in its students to meet the demands of America’s future.

It’s time to think critically about male prevalence in female health care, and how the standards of the industry should better reflect patient autonomy rather than the interests of practitioners and the legal frameworks they work within.

It’s all too easy to ignore global issues and focus instead on what’s happening in our own nation. But maintaining a commitment to one’s global community is imperative to maintaining a healthy planet and society.

Politics is a party game — and we’re taking the fall for it.
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